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Privacy and Information Security Congress 2011
The Future of the Internet: Opportunities & Challenges of Web 3.0

November 28 - 29th, 2011

The Westin Ottawa Hotel
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


Many computer, business and information experts argue that the internet is no longer just a huge repository of digital information, but that new programs, services and uses are transforming it into an intelligent and intuitive tool where �personalization� or �contextualization� of information is the primary product and goal. This new context-driven nature of the web is frequently referred to as �Web 3.0�.

In Web 3.0, developers and providers configure online technology, applications and services to automatically determine the content that is most relevant and to organize and deliver it as personalized packets. But is this privacy-invasive? Are there information security issues? Or is personalization what the public wants and needs to effectively manage the overwhelming flow of data that is now an integral part of their daily lives? What are the opportunities with Web 3.0? What are the challenges? And is this the future we all want?

These are the general issues that will be explored in Privacy and Information Security Congress 2011. The committee invites the submission of papers or studies that directly address the specific types or kinds of opportunities and challenges raised by Web 3.0 digital technologies or applications. The committee has provided below a list of specific subject matter as a general guide, but the list is neither exhaustive nor exclusive.

Date:         November 28 & 29, 2011
Location:  The Westin Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

2011 Conference Suggested Topics (not exhaustive):

  • Smart Grids
  • Social Media
  • E-Health
  • Mobility
  • Net Neutrality
  • Data Breaches
  • Identity Management
  • Cloud Computing
  • Copyright/Digital Rights
  • Behavioral Advertising
  • Spyware
  • E-Voting
  • Workplace Surveillance
  • Lawful Access
  • Nanotechnology
  • Cyber Security
The call for papers is closed. Thank you for your submissions.


All entries must be received by midnight of July 30, 2011. Invited speakers will be notified by August 30, 2011.


Submissions will be accepted electronically at:

Presentation Types:

Issue papers: An executive or management briefing on a prominent issue or aspect of information privacy or security.

Case studies: Descriptions of a given information privacy or security situation or incident, or research results. Names of organizations can be kept anonymous to maintain confidentiality if necessary.

New technology research: Results or developments in cutting edge research on new information privacy and security technologies.

Sociological / Philosophical perspective: A candid and/or introspective look at the impacts of new technological developments on privacy, security, social consciousness, or social functioning.

Papers in the above categories may be selected for a 15 to 20 minute presentation as part of a specified panel session at the conference.

Have Questions or Need More Information?

  • For conference content, theme and agenda questions, please contact:
  • For venue and conference administration questions, please contact: Reboot Communications Ltd. at 1-604-534-0537, or
  • For sponsorship questions, please contact Reboot Communications Ltd. at 1.250.388.6060 or

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