Okanagan Technology Symposium 1999
The Future of E-commerce
April 30, 1999 - Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
About the Conference
Reboot Communications Ltd. organized Okanagan Technology
Symposium, which was held April 30, 1999 at The Grand Okanagan
Lakefront Resort and Conference Center in Kelowna, British Columbia.
Having "The Future of E-commerce" as the theme, the conference
attracted three hundred sixty two attendees.
Opening remarks were given by Dr. John Weisbeck, MLA for Okanagan
East and BC Liberal Party technology critic. He was followed
throughout the morning and early afternoon by presentations from
Microsoft Canada, Compaq Canada, Total Care Technologies,
Columbus Group Communications, Centre for Education Information,
Cisco Systems, SHL Systemhouse and TELUS.
Lunch was sponsored by Okanagan High Technology Council, and the
afternoon reception was hosted jointly by Compaq Canada and
Microsoft Canada. During the reception, Byron Barnard, Deputy CIO of
the BC Government, gave the keynote address.
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information