The Frontiers of Privacy and Security: New Challenges for a New Century
Victoria Conference Center, Victoria, B.C.
February 13-14, 2003
About the Conference
A conference to inspire participants to consider innovative solutions to evolving challenges through thought-provoking presentations and discussions with privacy and security experts.
We expect about 750 delegates from across Canada, mostly people whose jobs focus on security and privacy policy and implementation. This will include staff from federal, provincial and municipal governments; police; hospital and health-care workers; and many others.
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For more information about sponsorship opportunities,
please call Greg Spievak at 1-866-388-6060 or send an email to [email protected]
Topics addressed will include:
- Global Perspectives
- Private Sector Privacy Developments/Ramifications
- Internet-related Issues
- Lawful Access Proposals
- Privacy & Security Officers Round Table
- Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) - What's Happening
- Mobile Privacy
- Information Security Policy
- Intrusion Detection
- Critical Infrastructure Protection
Business Briefing sessions will allow our sponsors to present their solutions and expertise to delegates.
Presented by the Corporate Privacy & Information Access Branch and the IT Security, Common IT Services Branch, Ministry of Management Services
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information