The Frontiers of Privacy and Security: New Challenges for a New Century
Victoria Conference Center, Victoria, B.C.
February 13-14, 2003
Sponsor Packages
Platinum (5)
- Recognition as major sponsor of one of the following Plenary Panels:
- The World Perspective
- Internet Related Issues/Lawful Access
- Privacy & Security Round Table/PKI
- Mobile Privacy/Information Security Policy
- Intrusion Detection/Infrastructure Protection
- Morning Business Briefing session:
- 30 minute Case Study vendor presentation
- 10x10 information booth
- Five full conference delegate packages
- Logo represented on all conference material
Gold (10)
- Afternoon Business Briefing session:
- 30 minute Case Study vendor presentation
- 10 X 8 booth space
- Five full conference delegate packages
- Logo represented on all conference material
Keynote Speakers (7)
- Recognition in program as sponsor
- 10x10 information booth
- Two full conference delegate packages
- Logo represented on all conference material
Lunch (2)
- Signage at event
- 10x10 information booth
- Two delegate packages
Delegate bag (8)
- Name Prominent on bag, NON-exclusive
Coffee Break (4)
- Signage at break
- no delegate packages
Show booth only (20)
- 10x10 information booth
- 2 exhibitor packages
- no delegate packages
For prices and more information, please contact
Greg Spievak
Reboot Communications Ltd.
Toll-free 1-866-388-6060
Email: [email protected]
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information