Security and Privacy: Friends, Foes or Partners?
Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, B.C.
February 11-12, 2004
Workshop Sessions
Tuesday, February 10, 2004, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 1 |
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Workshop
A moderate level session covered the basic principles, involve interactive discussions and exercises (such as severing) and review Privacy Impact Assessments, etc.
Session 2 |
Personal Information Protection Act Workshop
Basic principles, key features of the BC Act; implementation tools.
Session 3 |
Security Standards Workshop
Aimed at Security Professionals and Business Managers responsible for reporting to Senior Management on the status of security within their organizations. Business drivers for measuring security, the development of a base security standard, a checklist and the measurement process.
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information