Security & Privacy Conference - Synergies in an e-Society
6th Annual Conference & Exposition
Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, British Columbia
February 10-11, 2005
Workshop Sessions
Wednesday, February 9, 2005, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Session 1 |
Managing Electronic Records
Effective management of e-records requires a reasonable and comprehensive IM/IT infrastructure of up-to-date policies, records retention and disposition schedules,
long-term preservation strategies, and supporting technical systems and tools. This workshop explores the application of records management theory and practices to the challenges of digital information. One solution for managing electronic records within the active office environment will be illustrated through a demonstration of British
Columbia's Enterprise Document and Records Management System (TRIM). In
addition, the workshop includes an introduction to the issue of digital
preservation. There will also be time scheduled for questions.
- Glen Isaac, Manager, Corporate Records Management Branch
- Peter Van Garderen, Consultant, Artefactual Systems
Session 2 |
Privacy in the Workplace: Do's and Don'ts
An overview of key privacy issues impacting the workplace including what
personal information can be collected, how to conduct reference checks,
record retention (i.e. unsolicited resumes), access to personnel records,
employee monitoring and health/disability issues.
- Lorrainne Dixon, Privacy and Information Consultant
Session 3 |
Critical Security Incidents - What's your plan?
The ability to respond effectively to critical security incidents (such as
malware and wide spread power outages) is vital to a comprehensive
information security program. The IT Security branch has been developing a
Security Incident Response Plan (SIRP), based on BCERMS (BC Emergency
Response Management System) and ICS (Incident Command System) to enable
government to respond to critical information technology security incidents.
This workshop will provide an overview of the program, how it was
implemented and the trials and tribulations involved in implementing this
plan across the SPAN (Shared Provincial Access Network) BC network which
includes 90 Regional Network Centres, over 2,600 servers and more than
150,000 unique userID's.
- Susan Bedwell, CPP, Senior Security Specialist
Session 4 |
Who Are You? - Identity Management in an Online World
The Corporate Authentication Program (CAP) is an all-of-government
approach to online authentication that will facilitate public access to,
and enhance confidence in, B.C.'s e-government vision. CAP will set up a
single and common way for citizens, businesses and other external
organizations to authenticate (or verify) their electronic identity when
accessing BC government services online. In short, the CAP project will
develop specific standards and a common central mechanism for online
identity verification.
The CAP workshop will be divided into two parts: part one will provide a
high level overview of the CAP project, setting out its scope and
requirements, as well as outlining the proposed authentication solution;
part two will focus on the work associated with the project's main
activity streams. Some of the main topics that will be addressed include:
policy and privacy issues, in-person identity-proofing, building the
technical architecture; and the registration process for businesses and
- Chris Norman, Project Sponsor, CAP
- Anthony Roy, Project Director, CAP
- Charmaine Lowe, Policy Lead, CAP
Session 5 |
Towards a Comprehensive IM/IT Security Program for the BC
The Security Enhancement Project (SEP) has recently been initiated to afford
a significantly greater degree of protection for government's information
management and information technology (IM/IT) assets and to lay the
foundation for secure electronic services to be delivered as part of the
province's e-BC initiative.
The SEP Workshop will provide a high level overview of project scope as well
as present details related to the work associated with project's main
activity streams of:
- Policy & Standards
- Business Requirements & Program Design
- Technical Planning & Implementation.
- Barbara Hibbins - Director IT Security Branch
- Scott Andison - Project Manager SEP
- Brent Grover - Lead for Policy & Standards
- Mark Scherling - Lead for Business Requirements & Program Design
- Marilyn Redivo, Lead for Techncial Planning & Implementation.
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information