"International Cooperation through Private/Public Partnerships"
April 23-24-2007
Le Chateau Frontenac Hotel
Quebec City, PQ, Canada
Keynote Speaker: Thomas H. Kean
- Chairman of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks
- President, Drew University, Madison, NJ 1990-2005
- Chairman, 9/11 Commission 2002-2004
- Governor, State of New Jersey 1982-1990
Keynote Speaker: Honourable John Manley
- Former Foreign Affairs Minister and Deputy Prime Minister of Canada
Plenary Sessions (Topics)
- International Transportation Security
- Border Security
- Critical Infrastructure
- Global Information and Intelligence Sharing
- International ID Cards - Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
- Interoperability
- Biometrics
- Cyber Security
Fairmont Le Château Frontenac,
Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
On a bluff overlooking the mighty St. Lawrence River, Fairmont Le Château Frontenac is not merely a hotel located in the heart of Old Québec - it is the heart of Old Québec. Offering exquisite dining opportunities, superior meeting facilities and a distinctive Gallic charm, this stately hotel stands above historic Old Québec, a United Nations World Heritage Site. A stay at the ch�teau permits you easy walking access to all of the wonderful sites and experiences that Old Qu�bec has to offer.
Special conference rates are available at a cost of $189 CND per night, plus applicable taxes. Please contact the Château Frontenac directly at: 418-692-3861