Strategies for Public Sector Transformation 1999
Electronic Service Delivery
September 23, 1999 - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
About the Conference
Reboot Communications Ltd. organized Strategies for Public
Sector Transformation '99, which was held on September 23, 1999 in
Victoria, B.C.
More than one thousand registered delegates attended this conference. The
venue was the Victoria Conference Centre, and the theme was
"Electronic Service Delivery".
The keynote speaker was Nicholas Negroponte, who has been called
the world's pre-eminent speaker on information technology.
Attendance at this event was complimentary, thanks to the following
sponsors: Nortel Networks, Westech Information Systems, JDEdwards, Compaq, Ericsson, Oracle, Information Builders, IBM, SAP, BC Hydro, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, Sprint Canada, Sierra, TELUS, Center For Education Information, Price Waterhouse Coopers, Cisco Systems, Columbus Group, ISM-BC, Intel, EDS, DMR, BC Building Corporation.
Strategies for Public Sector Transformation '99 also featured a Trade Show and an Award Banquet where public-sector persons excelling in several information technology categories were honoured on
September 22.
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information