Strategies for Public Sector Transformation 2004
Governments and Industry: Working Together for the Public
including the seventh annual
Public Sector Information Technology Awards
October 6-7, 2004 - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
About the Conference
The 7th annual Strategies for Public Sector Transformation conference was
held October 6-7, 2004 at the Conference Centre in Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada. The theme was "Governments and Industry: Working Together
for the Public Good," examining new models, new opportunities and new roles
for joint ventures.
The 6th Annual Public Sector Information Technology Awards recognized
leadership, innovation and excellence in the management and use of
information technologies within the public service and Crown corporations of
British Columbia. "Public service" included Crown corporations,
municipalities, and public educational and healthcare organizations.
Eligible projects were those that have been completed within the last two
government fiscal years. (April 1, 2002 - March 31, 2004).
This year's award recipients are listed here.
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information