Western Canadian Summit: Bending the Cost Curve through Innovation
The Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Centre
Notional Agenda
Updated June 25, 2012
SUNDAY, June 17, 2012
3:00-5:00 Registration
MONDAY, June 18, 2012
7:15 – 8:15 Registration
7:15 Exhibits Open
8:15 WELCOME: Conference Moderator: Keith Baldrey, Broadcast Journalist, Global Television
8:20 OPENING REMARKS: Norm Letnick, MLA, Kelowna-Lake Country
8:35 – 9:40 Success Stories from Western Canada
Healthcare leaders from the Yukon, Alberta and British Columbia will share their stories of challenges and visions in the search for effective and efficient healthcare delivery throughout Western Canada.
Introduced by: Donna Lommer, VP Residential Services & CFO, Interior Health Authority of B.C.
- Graham Whitmarsh, Deputy Minister of Health, Province of British Columbia

- Chris Mazurkewich, EVP & COO, Alberta Health Services

- Stuart Whitley, QC, Deputy Minister of Health & Social Services, Government of Yukon
9:40 – 10:10 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Dr. Graham Hughes, Chief Medical Officer, SAS
Complexity Exceeds Cognition - How Analytics Will Transform Healthcare
By 2020, healthcare will have finally have evolved beyond the “paper chart age” to the “digital age”…. and most organizations are poorly prepared for the impact. We are faced by the prospect of an avalanche of broadly connected digital healthcare data, the complexity of which will exceed the boundaries of human cognition and that will also overwhelm the traditional models of today’s generation of information systems. This presentation explores both the challenges of “big data” in healthcare as well as the potential to harness it new ways that will transform the way that healthcare is delivered in the future.
10:10 – 10:30 MORNING BREAK
10:30 – 11:00 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Dr. Lester Russell, Global Chief Medical Officer, Fujitsu 
Transforming Healthcare – Is it enough?
Healthcare is in crisis almost everywhere across the world. Expenditure is out of control, the challenge of complex, lifelong conditions continues to rise unabated and healthcare systems seem uniquely resistant to change. How do we escape from this impending disaster?
Drawing on perspectives from clinical practice, the commercial world and health service management, Dr Russell will set out the background to the healthcare crisis and propose some practical solutions. He will examine the role of connections between healthcare settings, the rising power of the consumer and the latest medical technologies as a “perfect storm” of drivers for a period of fundamental transformative change in healthcare. Finally, he will pose the question – if we do all of this and do it immediately, will it even be enough to avert disaster in our health services?
11:00 – 12:10 PANEL: Procurement – A New Algorithm
Healthcare is one of our biggest public sector spenders, but what’s new about procurement? Well – in fact quite a lot’s been going on that’s worth the telling. The search for excellence is pretty well behind us; consolidation and centralization have been accomplished. This panel will look forward to what the future has in store; how innovations in procurement are leading to new service-oriented approaches to corporate procurement; how vendors are striking innovative new relationships with consumer agencies to create win-win results; and how the front-line management experience has evolved.
Moderator: Brian Shorter, Principal, Brian Shorter & Assoc.
- Jitendra Prasad, Sr. VP, Contracting, Procurement & Supply Management, Alberta Health Services

- Gary Folker, Senior Vice President, Orion Health

- Jeff Barnett, Director Clinical Informatics, BC Cancer Agency

12:10 – 1:15 LUNCHEON
1:15 – 1:45 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Ida Goodreau, Board of Directors, Genome BC 
Bending the Cost Curve in the 'Right' Direction - Ensuring Innovation Creates More Value, Not More Cost
As pressures on the healthcare system grow from escalating demand and costs, Innovation provides the great hope for a sustainable solution. Innovative initiatives, however, have often added, rather than reduced, overall expenditures.
Our challenge is to introduce innovative discoveries, technologies, and policies in a way that improves quality and outcomes, while bending the cost curve downward.
Taking a whole-system perspective to innovative change offers a pathway to translating theoretical benefits to desired real- world results.
1:45 - 2:55 PANEL: Mobility: Driving Down Costs and Increasing Productivity
With the explosive proliferation of mobile devices both in the consumer marketplace and in the business workplace (the iPhone was not even around 5 years ago) the opportunities for the use of this technology within healthcare to minimize errors, increase productivity, and eventually to drive down costs significantly is very promising. However, the cost reduction opportunities create a number of new challenges on the human side, on workflow integration, and the IT management side.
This strong panel of mobile healthcare industry experts will describe and discuss some of the key opportunities and challenges in the trends occurring with “bringing your own devices” and the influx of new enterprise IT systems into the healthcare workplace. Areas of discussion will include mobile device management, workflow integration, and also the use of these enabling technologies by consumers outside healthcare institutions. Examples will be described of where the use of mobile technology is succeeding in healthcare contexts.
Moderator: Dr. Rizwan Kheraj, Industrial Technology Advisor, National Research Council - IRAP Pacific 
- Dr. Alan Brookstone, CEO, Cientis Technologies

- Kevin McConnell, Chief Mobility Architect, STSM, IBM

- Robert Gramiak, Client Consultant, Healthcare, Avaya Canada

3:10 - 4:10 PANEL: Patient-Centric Care
A paradigm shift is coming in the next decade. Individuals are being empowered and taking responsibility for their own health and wellness. The transition from a provider-centric health system to one that puts the patient first is already upon us. This panel will explore the topic from a variety of perspectives including: grassroots advocacy for a new healthcare system focused on wellness; advances within the current healthcare system; and innovative solutions that will facilitate the critical transition. With rising healthcare expenditures and increasing pressures to deliver faster access to quality care, the shift to patient-centric care will bring necessary and timely change to the health sector.
Moderator: Bruce Forde, President & CEO, Cambian Business Services Inc. 
- Dr. Vaughan Glover, CEO, Canadian Association for People-Centred Health

- Dr. Andy Hamilton, Program Medical Director, Surgical Services, Interior Health Authority of B.C.

- Eric Gombrich, Senior VP & General Manager, NexJ Systems

- Shanti Gidwani, Healthcare Industry Director, Western Canada, Cisco

4:10 - 4:45 Introductions by: Greg Thomas, Managing Director Public Sector, PricewaterhouseCoopers
KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Richard C. Alvarez, ICD.D, President & CEO, Canada Health Infoway 
How e-Health is Bending the Cost Curve
In his address, Richard Alvarez will discuss why it’s essential to bend the healthcare cost curve, and the role health informaticians can play. He will also talk about the significant benefits that are already being realized across Canada as a result of the implementation and use of information and communications technologies for health. And, he will provide insights into the national health IT strategic review and describe the opportunities for future direction that have been identified.
4:45 - 5:45 Reception
TUESDAY, June 19, 2012
8:15 – 8:20 WELCOME Remarks: Conference Moderator: Keith Baldrey, Broadcast Journalist, Global Television
8:20 – 8:50 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Jeffrey Betts, Business Development Executive, IBM Healthcare 
IBM Watson: The Innovative Approach to Evidence-based Patient Care
The historic Jeopardy! match held in February 2011, featuring IBM Watson, continues to generate an unprecedented level of interest in its implications for Healthcare. IBM has made significant inroads over the past year, along with some leading Healthcare partners, to leverage the computational power of IBM Watson and its natural language processing with a goal to develop outcome and evidence-based decision support systems. Jeffrey Betts, a business development executive with IBM's national Healthcare team, will address a Watson-enabled future where technology can help Healthcare organizations turn clinical and business data into actionable insights for better outcomes. Jeff will discuss IBM's progress with its Healthcare partners, providing an overview of how IBM Watson has been targeted to process natural language and complex meanings to support clinical decisions, based on the ability to rapidly process large volumes of structured and non-structured clinical data, including clinical literature.
8:50- 10:00 PANEL: Big Data: The Next Frontier
The ability to effectively analyze and use the massive volume of data that is being collected is becoming a key factor in healthcare delivery. Innovation, productivity and competition will all be impacted by the use of big data. How can this power be harnessed? What are some of the key issues and who is providing the solutions? This panel will address Big Data in the healthcare sector and the implications for service delivery and patient care.
Moderator: Lindsay Kislock, Assistant Deputy Minister of Health, Province of British Columbia
- Julie Lockner, VP Information Life Cycle Management BU, Informatica

- Rachel Debes, Research Associate, Infectious Disease Insights, Cerner Corporation

- Dr. Tom Karson, M.D., Principal, Accenture Healthcare Solutions and Analytics

10:00 – 10:20 MORNING BREAK
10:20 – 10:50 KEYNOTE ADDRESS: Dr. George Dranitsaris, Health Economics and Biostatistics Consultant 
Biosimilars of Biological Drug Therapies: Current Status and Future Directions
Protein based therapies or biologics are distinct from small molecule drugs in that they are larger and more structurally complex. While the overall risk is modest, the active protein structure characteristic of biologics makes them more prone to induce an acute and/or chronic immune response. Biosimilars are a new class of drugs intended to offer comparable safety and efficacy to the reference, off-patent biological. They are not generic alternatives per se and are not interchangeable. Given their structural complexity, multifaceted manufacturing process and risk for immunogenicity, unique regulatory pathways are required for biosimilars. In this session, we will review the clinical, safety and submission requirements for biosimilars in Canada and globally. We will also highlight issues of ongoing debate amongst the key stakeholders. As the leader of biosimilars drug approval and product uptake, the European Union will be highlighted.
10:50 – 12:00 CLOSING PANEL: Visions for 2013: Where from Here?
How do we build on the successes of the past and continue to overcome the challenges of the future? How will innovation transform healthcare delivery and bend the cost-curve? Healthcare leaders from Western Canada share their views and visions for 2013 and beyond.
Introduced by: Erwin Malzer, Certified Director & Management Consultant, Executive Advisory Services
- Susan Antosh, CEO, eHealth Saskatchewan

- Howard Waldner, CEO, Vancouver Island Health Authority

- Dr. Owen Heisler, Edmonton Zone, Medical Director, Alberta Health Servicesv

12:00- 12:10 CLOSING REMARKS: Conference Moderator: Keith Baldrey, Broadcast Journalist, Global Television
12:10 – 1:15 BBQ LUNCH on the patio