Linking Investment Capital, Governance and Green Technology
October 24 - 25th, 2011
Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
"With over half a billion dollars of funding in the room, this event provides a forum to showcase cutting edge green technologies and get real face time with international players who are looking to invest."
Conference Overview:
Held in one of the greenest cities in the world - beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, this two day event "links" the best of the best in Green Technology with International Venture Capital funds. Says Joe Van Belleghem, internationally renowned green developer:
"This conference provides an utterly unique opportunity to be in the room with the folks who are funding these projects as well as the masterminds behind the newest green technologies and award winning developments."
The Opportunity for Your Organization: This international conference/exhibition offers companies unparalleled access to some of the highest level decision makers in the sustainable development and investment capital industries. This conference is bringing together some of the biggest names in the field, providing sponsoring companies the opportunity to showcase their newest products and latest innovations. Platinum level sponsorship also includes a speaking spot on one of the major panel sessions during the conference. Exhibition spaces are also available. Click here to access the 2011 sponsorship package.
Featured Keynote:
David Suzuki, Co-Founder, David Suzuki Foundation
David Suzuki, Co-Founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, is an award-winning scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster. He is renowned for his radio and television programs that explain the complexities of the natural sciences in a compelling, easily understood way. Dr. Suzuki is also recognized as a world leader in sustainable ecology. He is the recipient of UNESCO�s Kalinga Prize for Science, the United Nations Environment Program Medal, UNEPs Global 500 and in 2009 won the Right Livelihood Award that is considered the alternate Nobel.
Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel
Special conference rates are available at a cost of $249 CND per night, plus applicable taxes. Please contact the Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside Hotel directly, and reference "Reboot Communications" when booking.
Hotel Reservation Link:;=resvlink&fromDate;=10/24/11&toDate;=10/26/11
1133 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6E 3T3
Phone: 1 604 689 9211
Fax: 1 604 689 4358
Toll-free: 1 800 905 8582