8th Annual Okanagan Technology Symposium:
Health Care Horizons
The Grand Okanagan Lake front Resort and Conference Centre, Kelowna, BC
June 5-6, 2006
Notional Agenda
Last updated: June 1st, 2006
* = Invited
Monday, June 5, 2006
7:30 - 8:30am
Registration and Trade Show Open
8:30 - 8:40am
Welcome Remarks:
Conference Co-Master of Ceremonies
- Sindi Hawkins MLA, Kelowna, and Deputy Speaker for the BC Legislature
- Keith Baldrey, Broadcast Journalist, BCTV on Global Television
8:40 - 9:00am
Keynote Address:
- Sindi Hawkins MLA, Kelowna, and Deputy Speaker for the BC Legislature
9:00 - 10:15am
Keynote Address:
- Dr. Stan Davis Futurist Author of "The Convergence of Information, Biology and Business"
10:15 - 10:30am
Break - Sponsored by Bell Canada
10:30 - 12:00pm
Plenary Session: Key Technologies to Deliver the Future Vision of Health Care - Sponsored by Astra Zeneca
Emerging Technology Sector
- Biotechnology: Dr. Simon Pimstone, President & CEO, Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc
- Medical Devices: Don Gerhardt, President & Chief Executive Officer, Medical Alley
- Nano-technologies: Dr. Andre Marziali, Physicist, University of British Columbia
12:00 - 1:15pm
Lunch - Sponsored by Pfizer Inc.
1:15 - 2:30pm
Plenary Session: Key Technologies to Deliver the Future Vision of Health Care
Emerging Technology Sector
- Facility Design: Robin Geunther, FAIA, Principal, Guenther 5 Architects-New York, NY
- Information and Communication Technology: Brantz Myers, Director of Enterprise Marketing, Cisco Systems Canada.
2:30 - 3:00pm
Break - Sponsored by Nightingale Informatix Corp.
3:00 - 4:00pm
Concurrent Sessions: Workshop Technology Sessions:
- Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals - Vaseaux Room
- Dr. Simon Pimstone, President & CEO, Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc.
- Karimah Es Sabar, Executive Director, BC Biotech
- Medical Devices - Pennask Room
- Denis Mousseau-Regional Account Manager, Alcon Corporation
- Stephen Dibert - President and CEO MEDEC
- Ian MacPfail - Biomet Distributor, Biomet Corporation
- Alan Fairweather - Corporate Relations Manger, 3M Corporation
- Stephen Urquhart - Regional Corporate Director, Tyco Healthcare
- Rob Horne - Executive Business Director, Johnson & Johnson Medical Products
- Dave Ames - Director, Health Technology Assessment and Emerging Technologies, Johnson & Johnson Medical Products
- Information and Communications Technology - Okanagen Room
- Moderator Roman Mateyko, Executive Director, Network BC
- Brantz Myers, Director of Enterprise Marketing, Cisco Systems Canada.
- Mike Hrybyk, BC Net
- Sam Chebib, President & CEO of Nightingale Informatix Corp.
- Dennis Niebergal, President & CEO, CLINICARE Corporation
- Facilities Design -Skeena Room
- Moderator: Chris Corps, President, Asset Strategics Ltd
- Mary McNeil, President and CEO, BC Cancer Foundation
- Ray Pradinuk, Senior Associate, Sustainable Design Leader, Stantec Architecture Ltd.
- Robin Geunther, FAIA, Principal, Guenther 5 Architects-New York, NY
4:00 - 5:00pm
Concurrent Sessions: Workshop Technology Sessions:
Human Genomics - Vaseaux Room
- Gabe Kalmar, Executive Director of Operations, Genome British Columbia
- Nano-Technology - Shuswap room
- Dr. Neil Branda, Chair, Nanotech Center, Simons Fraser University
- Dr. Andre Marziali, Physicist, University of British Columbia
- Medical Devices - Pennask Room
- Denis Mousseau - Regional Account Manager, Alcon Corporation
- Stephen Dibert - President and CEO MEDEC
- Ian MacPfail - Biomet Distributor, Biomet Corporation
- Alan Fairweather - Corporate Relations Manger, 3M Corporation
- Stephen Urquhart - Regional Corporate Director, Tyco Healthcare
- Rob Horne - Executive Business Director, Johnson & Johnson Medical Products
- Dave Ames - Director, Health Technology Assessment and Emerging Technologies, Johnson & Johnson Medical Products
- Information and Communications Technology - Okanagan Room (continued session - 2hours)
- Moderator Roman Mateyko, Executive Director, Network BC
- Brantz Myers, Director of Enterprise Marketing, Cisco Systems Canada.
- BC Net, Mike Hrybyk
- Sam Chebib, President & CEO of Nightingale Informatix Corp.
- Dennis Niebergal, President & CEO, CLINICARE Corporation
- Facilities Design -Skeena Room (continued session - 2hours)
- Moderator: Chris Corps, President, Asset Strategics Ltd
- Mary McNeil, President and CEO, BC Cancer Foundation
- Ray Pradinuk, Senior Associate, Sustainable Design Leader, Stantec Architecture Ltd.
- Robin Geunther, FAIA, Principal, Guenther 5 Architects-New York, NY
6:00 - 9:00pm
Reception with Stan Davis - sponsored by Hewlett-Packard
Dinner- Grand Okanagan Ballroom
- M.C. - Murray Ramsden, CEO, Interior Health
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
8:30 - 9:00am
Keynote Address:
- Sheryl Bell, Director of Information Technology, Infrastructure and Strategic Planning, St. Lukes Health System
Siemens Corporation Case Study: "Microsoft Recognizes St. Luke's as a National Leader in Hospital Technology"
St. Luke's was recognized for community-based information network created in cooperation with Siemens Medical Solutions, which allows efficient and secure web-based sharing of information between physicians, patients and other members of the healthcare team.
9:00 - 10:00am
Plenary Session Health & Life Sciences Research & Knowledge Transfer
- Dr. Moura Quayle, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Advanced Education
- David Dolphin, Executive Director, BC Innovation Council
- Jeffrey Betts, Business Development Manager, IBM Life Science
10:00 - 10:15am
Break - Sponsored by CA
10:15 - 11:45am
Plenary Session - Providing the Infrastructure and Architecture to Deliver the Future Technologies in British Columbia
- Peter Watkins, Executive Director, Technology Planning and Standards Government of British Columbia
- Dave Nikolejsin, Chief Information Officer, Government of British Columbia
- Pat Ryan, Executive Director, (RSHIP) Alberta's Regional Shared Health Information Program-Shared Service Model the way of the future for Canada's Health Authorities
- Peter Durrant, Executive Director - eHealth Program
Knowledge Management & Technology Division, Ministry of Health, Province of British Columbia
- Ken Williams, Vice President & Area Manager for Canada, CA Technical Services
11:45- 12:15pm
Keynote Address:
- Dr. Alan Winter, Genome BC
- Honourable Murray Coell, Minister Advanced Education, Government of British Columbia
12:15 - 1:15pm
Lunch Barbecue - Patio of the Okanagan Grand Hotel - Sponsored by Genome BC
1:15 - 3:15pm
Plenary Session: Making It Work - What does Health Care need to do to take advantage of tomorrow's technologies? Sponsored by Canada Health Infoway
- Session Moderator: Bruce Schmidt, Corporate Secretary, Genome BC
- Deputy Minister Paddy Meade, Ministry of Health and Wellness, Province of Alberta
- Moderator: Bruce Schmidt, Corporate Secretary, Genome BC
- Dr. Jill Sanders, President and CEO, Canadian Agency for Drugs & Technologies in Health (CADTH)
- Ida Goodreau, CEO of the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
- Dr. Jonathan Burns, Co-Chair, Provincial SPEED committee (Special Physician Engagement Expert Delegation)
- Dr. Simon Sutcliffe, President, BC Cancer Agency
3:15 - 3:30pm
Closing Remarks:
Conference Co-Master of Ceremonies
- Sindi Hawkins MLA, Kelowna, and Deputy Speaker for the BC Legislature
- Keith Baldrey, Broadcast Journalist, BCTV on Global Television
Registration, accommodation
and logistics information
(604) 530-0872
Sponsorship and other information