Reboot Communications Limited HOME Reboot Communications: 'Delivering end-to-end conference management solutions. The conferences key decision makers attend'
General Info Agenda Sponsors Info Key Note Speaker

8th Annual Okanagan Technology Symposium: Health Care Horizons
The Grand Okanagan Lake front Resort and Conference Centre, Kelowna, BC
June 5-6, 2006
Keynote Speaker:
Stan M. Davis
Author and Consultant
Canadian College of Health Service Executives - Collège canadien des directeurs de service de santé

MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION Attendance at this program entitles certified Canadian College of Health Service Executives members (CHE / FCCHSE) to 7.0 Category I credits toward their maintenance of certification requirement.

Canadian College of Health Service Executives - Collège canadien des directeurs de service de santé

MAINTIEN DE LA CERTIFICATION La participation � ce programme compte pour 7,0 cr�dits de cat�gorie I � l'�gard de l'exigence du maintien de la certification � laquelle sont soumis les membres agr��s (CHE / FCCDSS) du Coll�ge canadien des directeurs de services de sant�.

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