Speaker Biographies
Sheryl Bell, Director of Information Technology, Infrastructure and Strategic Planning, St. Lukes Health System has been in the information technology business since 1969. She came up through the ranks from programmer, designer, manager and her experience spans the financial services and healthcare industries. She is currently responsible for all aspects of the St. Luke's Health System's technology environment including strategic planning, project management, systems applications development and support, technical infrastructure and physician outreach.
Prior to St. Luke's Ms. Bell worked for Boise-Cascade and was brought in as a consulting project manager to rescue a $12 million account receivable project that was over budget and under scoped. She successfully turned this around and delivered it on time and on budget. Prior to Boise-Cascade, Ms. Bell was the director of the Idaho division of First Interstate Bank's data processing company
Samer Chebib has been the President and Chief Executive Officer of Nightingale since April 2002. Prior to founding Nightingale, Mr. Chebib was the President and Chief Operating Officer, from April 2000 to September 2001, of MedcomSoft Inc., a public healthcare information company listed on TSX specializing in physician practice management systems for the Canadian, United States and Australian markets. Mr. Chebib held a number of positions between 1988 and April 2000 with Toromont Industries Ltd., a public company listed on TSX specializing in construction equipment, energy and industrial equipment.
His last position with Toromont Industries Ltd. was as Vice-President & General Manager of Energy Toromont, a division of Toromont Industries Ltd. from January 1996 to April 2000. In 1996, he instrumented the acquisition of the medical and dental assets of Medifirst, a private healthcare delivery company, as part of a family business. Mr. Chebib has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Lawrence University in Southfield, Michigan. Mr. Chebib also became a professional engineer in Ontario in 1992.
Chris Corps BSc MRICS is Principal of Asset Strategics Ltd. providing land and business economic and management advice, with 25 years' experience in both Canada and Europe. He has been a leader in a unique range of subjects including sustainable development, valuation, expropriation, P3s and led the business case for changes to seniors care in BC. He created development methods used in 16 countries and is currently co-editing standards changes applicable in 123 countries. Chris is a peer- and audit-reviewer and was the inaugural Chairman of RICS Canada, the Canadian arm of the world's largest real estate professional organisation.
Prior to joining LifeScience Alley, Don was involved in the health care industry serving in top-level positions including: CEO of MedCenters Health Plan, administrator of Michigan State University medical facilities, Kaiser Permanente, a consultant for health care start-up companies and business coalitions, an officer for a high tech health care data company, and with several international health care businesses. He sits on the board for two medical technology companies. He is a frequent speaker and contributing writer to health care related articles and books. His education includes Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota, a Masters degree in Health Administration from the University of Colorado, and postgraduate study in finance and statistics from Ohio State University. He is a faculty member at the University of St. Thomas, and sits on several Advisory Boards, including the University of Minnesota's Biomedical Engineering Institute Board, the College of Pharmacy Board, the Institute of Technology Board, the Biomedical Commercialization Canada, Inc. Board and the Greater Minneapolis Convention and Visitors Association Board.
Ida Goodreau is President and Chief Executive Officer of Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) - one of Canada's largest health organizations. Ms. Goodreau is responsible for a budget of $2 billion, 24,500 employees, 5,000 volunteers, and services provided through approximately 300 contracted health care service providers.
Since September 2002, Ms. Goodreau has led VCH through a series of changes centred on building an integrated continuum of health care services. Under her leadership, VCH is shifting from a facility and treatment-centred approach to one more patient-centred and focused on supporting healthy lives in healthy communities. Ms. Goodreau has extensive experience in leading organizational change.
Prior to joining VCH, Ms. Goodreau served as a Senior Vice President of Global Optimization and Human Resources for Norske Skog Industrier, a global supplier of publication paper in Oslo, Norway. Ms. Goodreau was also President, Pulp Operations with Fletcher Challenge Canada and Managing Director, Tasman Pulp and Paper in Auckland, New Zealand.
Ms. Goodreau earned an Honours Bachelor of Commerce and Masters of Business Administration at the University of Windsor, Ontario. She is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Occupational Health and Safety Agency for Health Care in BC, and is also a member of the Board of Directors for Shell Canada and is Chair of the Western Canadian CEO Forum. She has served on a number of other boards including the United Way, YMCA and the Edgewood Chemical Dependency Treatment Centre.
FAIA (FAIA = Fellow of the American Institute of Architects)
Robin is the principal of Guenther 5 Architects, a 20 person New York City firm with extensive experience in health care design. Her projects have received national design awards and have been published in Architectural Review, Metropolis, and Interior Design.
Since 1996, she has been defining the sustainable design agenda in health care, through a wide range of advocacy and policy initiatives while continuing her practice. She served on the 2006 AIA Guidelines for Healthcare Construction Revision Committee, the Steering Committee of the Green Guide for Health Care, and is now on the LEED� for Healthcare Application Guide Core Committee. She received the 2005 Changemaker Award from the Center for Health Design, an award recognizing an individual that has had a major impact on the design of healthcare spaces.
BCNET President & CEO - Michael Hrybyk
Michael Hrybyk is BCNET's President and CEO. He actively oversees and manages the operationsof the society and is responsible for implementing the overall mission and vision of BCNET. He has managed BCNET since 1994. He pioneered the concept of transit exchanges as a method of linking research and education networks to their local communities as well as to national and international peers.
Mr. Hrybyk has been an active member of the technology community in the U.S. and Canada and has been recognized for his efforts in helping to develop the Canadian Internet. In 2003, he received a BC Information Technology Builder Award, and in 2002 was recognized by the University Presidents' Council for his work creating advanced networks for BC's universities. In 1997, he was named as a builder of Canada's information society by CANARIE and Prime Minister Jean Chr�tien.
Mr. Hrybyk also serves on the optical regional advanced networks advisory committee for CA*net4, the next-generation Canadian high-speed research and education advanced network sponsored by CANARIE.
Mr. Hrybyk is currently on leave from the BCIT Technology Centre, where he serves as the Director of the Group for Advanced Information Technology R&D (GAIT). He secured nearly $1 million in funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the BC Knowledge Fund to establish the BCIT Internet Engineering Lab. The lab, which opened in the spring of 2001, specializes in network-performance evaluation and security conformance. GAIT also conducts research in the areas of software design, instructional multimedia, geographical information systems, and bioinformatics.
Mr. Hrybyk has 25 years of experience with Internet networks, Unix systems, and software development. He has a Master's degree in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University, and held the position of Manager of Computing Systems and Networks there. While at Hopkins, he helped create the first campus-wide Ethernet network in 1986, and connected it to SURANet and NSFNET. He also worked at EDUCOM (now EDUCAUSE) and CREN in Washington, DC, and was responsible for the management of the BITNET national network. Previously, he held positions with the University of Delaware, the University of Maryland Applied Neuroscience Institute, the University of British Columbia and Micros Systems.
Mr. Hrybyk is the past president of the BC Internet Association, and a founding director of the Vancouver Community Network. He is a member of the Internet Society, the Association for Computing Machinery and IEEE. Mr. Hrybyk gives frequent talks on advanced networks throughout North America, and teaches the Computer Networks course in the Bachelor of Technology program at BCIT.
President and CEO, BC Cancer Foundation
For over six years, as the president and chief executive officer of the BC Cancer Foundation, Mary McNeil has provided leadership to the BC Cancer Foundation, an independent charitable organization that raises funds to support research and enhancements to care at the BC Cancer Agency. In 2005, the Foundation completed construction of the BC Cancer Agency's $95 million, world-class Cancer Research Centre, in Vancouver.
Before joining the BC Cancer Foundation, Mary held various leadership positions hosting international conferences and summits, including the Toronto G7, Halifax G7. She is the recipient of the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal. In 2003 Mary was recognized by BC Business Magazine as one of the top six CEO's in British Columbia.
Simon Pimstone is a founder, Director, and President & Chief Executive Officer at Xenon Pharmaceuticals Inc. Xenon is a privately owned biotechnology company engaged in discovering and developing novel pharmaceuticals targeting genes and proteins that underlie human diseases. Having established itself as a leader in genetics-based drug discovery and development, Xenon is one of Canada's leading private biotechnology companies. Xenon's track record includes the largest target and drug discovery deals in the history of biotechnology in Canada.
Dr. Pimstone received his MD from the University of Cape Town. He is an internal medicine specialist with an interest in cardiovascular disease. Prior to his specialization, he trained as a clinical research fellow with the Department of Medical Genetics at the University of British Columbia and obtained his PhD through the University of Amsterdam in cardiovascular genetics.
Dr. Pimstone has served as a consultant physician at the St. Paul's Hospital Lipid Clinic in Vancouver, and he is a Director of the Providence Healthcare Research Trust, a Director of the AllerGEN National Centre of Excellence, and an Advisory Member of the SFU Biotech MBA program. He sits on the Board of BIOTECanada and is a member of the Young Presidents' Organization. In 2005, he received the Business in Vancouver Top 40 under 40 Award and the Canada's Top 40 Under 40 Award 2004. Dr. Pimstone is the author of numerous peer-reviewed publications and is also a regular guest speaker at international scientific meetings and healthcare conferences.
Ray Pradinuk, MscArch, MAIBC
Ray Pradinuk is a senior associate in the healthcare studio of the Vancouver office of Stantec Architecture and is the research and innovation director for Stantec Healthcare. The focus of Ray's work has been on the social, economic and ecological sustainability of the built environment in general and, over the last 15 years, of healthcare facilities in particular. Patient safety, the staff work environment, configuring for daylight and natural ventilation, flexibility and operational efficiency are primary sustainable healthcare design interests. Ray is a member of the steering committee of the Green Guide for Healthcare.
Moura Quayle was appointed Deputy Minister of Advanced Education on June 16, 2005. Previously, she was Dean of the Faculty of Land and Food Systems (formerly Agricultural Sciences) at the University of British Columbia. Before that, she was Director of the UBC Landscape Architecture Program, a joint appointment with UBC's School of Architecture. Quayle was also Associate Vice-President UBC Okanagan Programs from April to December 2004, and continued guiding the academic and campus planning processes at the new UBC Okanagan campus during 2005.
She is a Fellow of the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects and has published academic papers and technical and professional reports ranging from design education to community and public landscapes. She has lectured nationally and internationally.
Quayle has also served as President of the Canadian Faculties of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine and is a member of Environment Canada's National Science and Technology Advisory Board. She chaired the 2004 Science and Technology Management Review Panel of Environment Canada, and is a recent graduate of France's INSEAD Advanced Management Program. Quayle chaired the City of Vancouver's Urban Landscape Task Force and was named a 1993 YWCA Woman of Distinction for communication and public affairs. She has been involved in planning and design for the City of Vancouver and has been frequently called upon in an advisory capacity at the local, provincial, national and international level.
In 2004, Quayle received a Doctor of Science, honoris causa, in recognition of her outstanding academic leadership, contributions to the professional community of landscape architecture and her work on agricultural issues in contemporary society.
Dr. Jill M. Sanders, was appointed President and CEO of the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health in 1997. She is responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of CADTH and its directorates and has led CADTH`s evolution into a primary source for unbiased, evidence-based information on drugs, devices, health care systems and best practices. Dr Sanders is a member of the Health Technology International Board, and Chair of Euroscan. She holds Honours and Master's Degrees in Physics as well as a PhD in Medical Physics.
Bruce Schmidt has been involved in the life sciences and biotechnology area for the past 14 years and was the founder of a B.C. based clinical stage company focused on innovative therapies for cancer and diseases of the central nervous system. His background involves general management, business development, research funding and public affairs within the general life sciences context. Bruce is a founding director and manager within Genome British Columbia a Vancouver based research institute. He is also the founding Chairman of the B.C. Nanotechnology Alliance, past director of the Canadian Healthcare Licensing Association and past Chairman of the industry organization, BCBiotech.
Mr. Williams is the Vice President & Area Manager for Canada, CA Technical Services and has 25 years of international experience in the enterprise risk services specializing in industry security solutions, information security operations, and regulatory compliance solutions within the banking, healthcare, energy and telecommunications sector. Prior to Computer Associates Intl., Mr. Williams held leadership positions at KPMG LLP, BellSouth Corporation, eSecurity, Inc., and is co-founder of Meta Security Group.
Mr. Williams is a frequent speaker on IT governance and regulatory compliance and conducts CIO Roundtables regularly on Sarbanes Oxley Act, USA PATRIOT Act, Basel II Accord, International Standards Organization (ISO17799), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), Health Insurance and Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA), Federal Deposit Insurance Act (FDIC), Government Information Security Reform Act (GISRA), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and European Union Data Protection Act (EUDPA). Mr. Williams is the author of Computer Associates Intl. "The Sarbanes Oxley Act: Compliance Management Framework" white paper and the "Compliance Assurance Maturity Model".
Mr. Williams has been certified as a Certified Fraud Examiner "CFE", Certified Homeland Security "CHS-III", Information Technology Infrastructure Library "ITIL Foundation", and Certified Information Systems Security Professional "CISSP".
He maintains an active Top Security Clearance with Defense Security Services
Dennis P. Niebergal ...is the President & CEO of CLINICARE Corporation, a leading North American provider of Physician Office Software and Services. Prior to founding CLINICARE in 1984, Dennis held a number of information management and technical positions with a variety of computer and commercial firms. He holds a degree in Business Administration with a major in Computer Science from George Brown College in Toronto.
Dennis has been instrumental in the growth of CLINICARE. A visionary in the field of e-Health, Dennis is an internationally recognized expert in Electronic Medical Records (EMR). Dennis has been active as both a speaker or chair at numerous conferences and as a member of various national and international committees related to Health Information and Electronic Health Records (EHR). Dennis was an active member of the Alberta Health and Wellness Vendor Conformance Usability Requirements (VCUR) Committee and has chaired many of COACH's annual Electronic Health Record Symposiums and Great Debates. Dennis received the COACH 'President Award' during the 2001 e-Health annual conference for all his voluntary efforts and contributions to COACH.
In December 2005, CLINICARE was recognized for the 3rd year in a row as 'Best in KLAS' for Ambulatory EMR (6-25 physician groups). With Dennis's guidance over the last 22 years, CLINICARE has been rated as North America's #1 Ranked EMR vendor. KLAS Enterprises, LLC is a research and consulting firm specializing in monitoring and reporting the performance of healthcare information technology (HIT) software vendors. In addition, at the inaugural event of the 2005 Canadian Health Informatics Awards, CLINICARE was honoured with the top distinction - 'Company of the Year' as well as 'Corporate Citizen of the Year'.
Dennis was one of the founding members of the Canadian Healthcare Information Technology Trade Association (CHITTA) and currently sits on their Board of Directors as Secretary. In addition, he is Co-Chair of CHITTA's Standing Committee on Physician Office Systems (POS) and serves as CHITTA's designated liaison to the Canadian Society of Telehealth (CST).
With Dennis's direction and active involvement with the HL7 Standard, CLINICARE has been using HL7 Standards within its software product suite since it first developed a Lab Information System (LIS) electronic interface in 1985. CLINICARE currently supports over 20 internally developed electronic HL7 interfaces and is adding more for its physician customers, including the use of XML, CDA, etc.
He is currently on the Canadian Electronic Drug (CeRx) Messaging Standard project (an Infoway led standards development initiative) working group. This working group will see the establishment of pan-Canadian HL7 version 3 message specifications to support clinical drug interactions between and among clinicians as well as the drug portion of Electronic Health Records at a provincial, territorial or regional level.
Dennis also serves on a number of National and International Committees. He was an active participant in the CIHI's working Groups 1 (Health Data Model) and 4 (Interoperability). Dennis was a member of the Canadian Delegation to the European Common Market on Health Telematics (1994); and was retained as an expert for the European Commission (EU) Telematics Applications in Health - Electronic Healthcare Records (EHCR)" projects Annual Technical Project Reviews in Brussels, Belgium for 4 of the last 6 years.