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8th Annual Okanagan Technology Symposium: Health Care Horizons

June 5-6, 2006

"Technologies that contribute to the achievement of our vision for health care and a health care system that can take advantages of technological opportunities."

Conference Overview

This conference provides a forum that allows federal, provincial and regional health care officials, senior policy makers, intelligence and technology officials, academics, and health care professionals to meet and exchange ideas.

Main plenary streams will examine key technologies such as biotechnology, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, genomics, nano technology, facility design, information, communication, research and development to support the achievement of the vision for health care.

Conference Focus

The overall objective of the symposium is to provide participants with a unique opportunity:

  • to learn more about emerging solutions (innovations and technologies) in health care; and
  • to discuss the potential role and impact of these solutions on the efficiency and effectiveness of health care delivery; and
  • to network with colleagues and experts from the vast range of professions and industries associated with our complex health care system.

This symposium will bring together internationally recognized experts from the sectors representing:

  • Biotech
  • Medical Devices
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Genomics
  • Nano Technology
  • Facility Design
  • Information & Communication
  • Research & Development
Canadian College of Health Service Executives - Collège canadien des directeurs de service de santé

MAINTENANCE OF CERTIFICATION Attendance at this program entitles certified Canadian College of Health Service Executives members (CHE / FCCHSE) to 7.0 Category I credits toward their maintenance of certification requirement.

Canadian College of Health Service Executives - Collège canadien des directeurs de service de santé

MAINTIEN DE LA CERTIFICATION La participation � ce programme compte pour 7,0 cr�dits de cat�gorie I � l'�gard de l'exigence du maintien de la certification � laquelle sont soumis les membres agr��s (CHE / FCCDSS) du Coll�ge canadien des directeurs de services de sant�.

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